Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, June 6, 2009

3 months old

Yesterday my baby turned 3 months old. I can't believe the time is passing so quickly. In the last month, Miss Aubri has been very busy. She learned to roll from her back to her belly, has started sucking her thumb and spent 2 full days away from me when I went to Austin.

She weighs 12.4 pounds and is 23 3/4 inches long. It's been about three weeks since we've swaddled her for bedtime. She has gotten too big and likes to suck her thumb, plus she sleeps on her belly and squirms around in her pak n'play all night. When we stopped swaddling her and she started sleeping on her tummy, she doesn't like to be rocked to sleep anymore. Dustin and I talked about how we didn't realize the last time to rock her to sleep would come and go so quickly. It's so bittersweet that our little girl is already so different from when we brought her home from the hospital.

Other highlights from the last month include:
- Aubri has started propping her self up on her hands and arms. Dustin says, "whoa, she's going to be crawling any day now!"
- We went to the Fort Worth Zoo with the uncles and Grama Cindy, and then to Dutch's for burgers.
- We've been to 3 playgroup meetings
- We're pretty certain her teeth are coming in, because she has started crying out at night and not sleeping as well anymore (thank goodness for orajel)
- Aubri has started cooing and "talking" like crazy
- She can sit and lean over to touch her feet and keep her balance with very little support
- She pooped all over me, herself, and the baby k'tan at my school yesterday
- Then she pooped all over herself and her highchair while we were hanging out on the back patio- it was oozing everywhere!
- We adore being parents and God has blessed us with the most precious baby.

Our baby model

She loves tummy time

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